Gods of Diss-onance

Gods of Diss-onance

 (Narrative Design, Game Design, Programming)

Concept:Rhythm-based rap battle game featuring Indian and Greek gods.
Inspiration:Inspired by Epic Rap Battles of History (Eastern vs. Western Philosophers).
Development:Solo project with voice actor; focused on storytelling and lyrical flow.
Challenges:Used AI art to meet deadlines while keeping the vision intact.

Team Credits:
Vaibhav Varma- Voice Actor
ERB (Epic Rap Battles of History)- Instrumental beats


Narrative Designer

Wrote 18 dynamic rap lyrics with tones ranging from mocking and aggressive to clever and flirty every line reflecting the gods’ larger-than-life personalities

Crafted a branching narrative with multiple choices and endings, givingplayers the power to shape their own lyrical legends.

Researched the lore and personalities of both pantheons to ensure the raps felt authentic and each god’s vibe shone through. Coordinated voice acting and helped define the sound design’s inspiration to amp up the cosmic showdown’s narrative flavor.

Game Designer & Programmer:

Designed and implemented cutscenes in Unity that pulled players deeper into the story and raised the stakes with every rhyme.

Research the art of rap structure to ensure the gameplay remained both lyrically authentic and rhythmically engaging.

Developed gameplay mechanics that merged rhythm-based battles with storytelling, making every beat a step toward victory (or divine defeat). Integrated Yarn Spinner to bring branching dialogue to life

Overview of the planning done in the miro board. Ranging from writing rap, backstory, references, and resources for rhyming,

Examples of guidelines behind the writing the raps for Indian Gods based on their personalities

Planning work of the Backstory and Lore Building